What exactly is counseling?

Believe it or not, counseling is a relatively new profession within the realm of the mental health sciences. It has come about out of the need to not only address mental health concerns, including mental illnesses, but also to provide guidance and wisdom for people who are just trying to navigate the challenges of life in a society that is increasingly global and, unfortunately, increasingly polarized. Experts in the mental health field will tell you that isolation is a serious threat to public health these days. Unfortunately, gone are the days when the “norm” was for people to turn to the older and wiser generations for guidance and support. Nowadays, there are seemingly irreconcilable differences between the generations that makes the younger generations less and less likely to want to consult even their own parents, not to mention grandparents, on how to successfully navigate life. This trend is one of the changes in our society that has necessitated the field of mental health counseling.

People come to counseling with sets of expectations, some of which are unrealistic. Counseling is not a place to necessarily be told exactly what to do. There are no promises that are made regarding outcomes. 

- Provides a place to discuss concerns and seek guidance and support in making decisions.
- Provides appropriate interventions and therapy for people who are suffering from mental health conditions and illnesses.
- Allows clients to explore their own interests, gifts, skills, and abilities. It provides clients a judgment free environment to process through their desires, goals, and dreams.
- Is a place to learn.  Counseling requires active participation. 

Counseling IS NOT:
- ... just a place to come and vent without a commitment to action.
- ... a place to be told exactly what to do. Your counselor will help you decide on what is an appropriate course of action on many issues that you bring to your session. But there are no guarantees. It is unrealistic and impossible to ‘guarantee’ that any outcome will be exactly what you want.
- Counseling is NOT just for weak people. Just wipe this right out of your mind. People who recognize the value of seeking wisdom in life will also recognize the value in seeking counseling if you have no other options for seeking guidance, or if you have mental health concerns along with a desire for personal growth and advancement. Seeking assistance is a sign of STRENGTH in recognizing that we all need the support of others at various times in our lives.